On October 19th, 1999, Shannon had the opportunity to take part in a program called
"Dreams Take Flight"
A group of children from British Columbia's Childrens' Hospital were taken on a one day whirlwind trip to Disneyland in California.
The plane took off at 6:00 in the morning with the children, a handful of nurses and chaperones and returned at 11:00 that night.
Packed in between was probably as much fun as a child can have in one day. Before the plane took off, each child was issued a t-shirt, a hat, a fanny pack, an autograph book, and a disposable camera. Each child also had a backpack with a change of clothes. When Shannon got off the plane that night, she had two backpacks plus a large shopping bag full of toys, dolls, and gifts. The children were each given twenty five dollars at the end of the day to spend in the gift shop, plus were given a lot of gifts from the various corporate sponsors. It was just like Christmas in October. People still can't believe she went to Disneyland "for the day".

Shannon at Disneyland with her official Dreams Take Flight T-shirt

Shannon and Minnie Mouse

Shannon's friend Alexa, another cancer kid, on the plane

Many thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors of
 "Dreams Take Flight"

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